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What is Bidiful?

In the dynamic world of industry, our group of experienced professionals faced a challenge: finding a tender portal that was both affordable and functional, without unnecessary complexities. Unwilling to settle for the restrictive options available, we took a bold step – creating our own solution.

Our journey over the last five years has been one of innovation and determination. The result is a robust system, extensively tested and proven with over £50 million worth of tenders. It stands out not only for its functionality and security but also for the personal touch it offers, with human technical support readily available.

Today, our system, nurtured and refined through real-world experiences and feedback, supports over 300 active users. It's more than just a tool; it's a solution born from real need and expertise.

The invitation is now open to you. Whether you're upgrading or new to tender portals, experience the difference with a free trial. Join us in redefining tender management, and see how our journey can empower yours.

Working with Financial Documents

What functions can help me?

Arrange your tenders and quotations in to one place.


Simple tracking of tasks and project milestone dates.

Accurate monitoring of communications between bidders and buyers.

Data logging and transparency making it fair for all and simple to audit.

System designed by experienced professionals for experienced professionals.

Accessible anywhere in the world at any time of day.

Confidential and secure with control at your fingertips.

Introduce PQQ’s or customise your own questionnaires or communications.

Easy to navigate, consistent layout.

Manage your projects into workspaces with dedicated messaging boards and calendars to allow best organisational practices.

Always find your documents quickly without the need for searching through stacks of emails.

Help reduce the impact on our planet by reducing the amount of paper used in bulky tender submissions, multiple file-types supported and ever expandable online storage space to suit your needs.

Customisable options for, multiple users and management functions’


Dedicate tasks to certain users and communicate to the team at the click of a button, with follow on monitoring to track when tasks are received, read and actioned.

Quickly update bidding teams as to changes or updates on projects for example in the instance of a Tender Q&A document being updated.

Simple on-boarding process with no hidden ‘set up’

costs or extras, online support hub with backup support on hand by humans as needed.

Cloud based hosting ensures maximum security and continuity.



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Contact Us

If you have any questions about our platform or services, please don't hesitate to contact us. Our team is available to assist you by phone, email, or via our social media channels.

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